The DNI Summer Warmachine campaign is building up steam like a juggernaut. A steam-powered Juggernaut. A steam-powered Juggernaut that's been allocated a lot of Focus to boost its attacks. Boosting its attacks to kill the blue team. And there we reach the end of my demonstration of Warmachine knowledge. Now have some pictures of Ben's blue men.
Anway, that's quite enough of us flashing our indy-gaming credentials.
Matt and I represented DNI at Toy Soldier VII last week with Eldar and Squats respectively. We bumbled along merrily in Fourth Edition's last dying days. There was even late-night Poker after. Genuine card games trump indie-wargaming.
Here we can see the two of us, putting on our serious competitive faces.
Here's Flame On's own Bennitio celebrating nothing in particular with a giant chocolate cake.
Here's Mike Boulton rubbing shoulders with the famous Liam Neeson.
And finally, here's Gary Marsh defeating my Squats despite them all standing around in heroic poses on my home objective.

- Chris
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