Victory! Victory! Ohohohoh!
Blimey. Bet you've been reading the blog and thinking we've all given up gaming. No updates, no pics, no nothing. But no, oh no no no. Instead, we have been busy training and preparing for the Warhammer Players Society Club Challenge 2008. Getting up before dawn, drinking raw eggs and chasing chickens around the mean streets of Philadelphia.
We annexed another local gaming group, the legendary Flame On, and hired a mercenary to swell our numbers to the size we needed to compete on a club level. And compete we did. And to our utter surprise not only did we win a few games, but we won the enitre event! We got the shield!

And that's not the only trophy we came home with, oh no. Jason's Nurgle Ork Deff Koptas won Best Vehicle in the painting competition. And I got Best Painted 40K Army with my Ork/Genestealer Hybridz.

We rocked. And we also rocked in another way, managing two consecutive nights out on the town, which gathering from the photos, involved lots of gurning.

Phwoar. Expect lots more updates and a touch of gloating in the near future.
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