09 August 2008

While the Warmachine Summer Campaign has been rampaging on, the GW fanboyz of the club have stubbornly failed to move with the times and have continued to play the grandfather of modern wargames - Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

For those of you too young to remember, Warhammer, the game of Fantasy Battles, allows you to command a force of mighty warriors. With armies of Citadel miniatures wage war over a tabletop battlefield using tactics and ingenuity to achieve victory. That previous sentence doesn't make an awful lot of sense does it? Meh, I only quoted GW direct from the back of the WFB rulesbook.

Anyhow, Hey Steve! and myself are the resident WFB gamers and recently we have been battling it out against each other on a weekly basis as neither of us have the acumen to understand, play and master Privateer Press's Warmachine. Warhammer allows many models to die all at once with minimal book keeping - which is just the kind of carnage we enjoy.

Hey Steve! is a Dwarf player and his throng regularly sallies forth from its hold to keep the decadent and cowardly High Elves at bay. I am that High Elf player and quite regularly receive a beating from the Dwarves. Without making too many excuses, my Elves struggle to beat the high toughness and generous armour saves of the Dwarves. All that said, things are fairly even between us and for every grudge that is settled, another one quickly replaces it!

Here are some photos of our previous game (which I might add I won). As for those pictures I promised of 12,000 points of High Elves, well, you can't have them. I've just stripped a load of paint off some of them so that I could repaint them. Maybe in the future. If you ask nicely. And send me some cake. And also some pizza.



04 August 2008

The DNI Summer Warmachine campaign is building up steam like a juggernaut. A steam-powered Juggernaut. A steam-powered Juggernaut that's been allocated a lot of Focus to boost its attacks. Boosting its attacks to kill the blue team. And there we reach the end of my demonstration of Warmachine knowledge. Now have some pictures of Ben's blue men.

Anway, that's quite enough of us flashing our indy-gaming credentials.

Matt and I represented DNI at Toy Soldier VII last week with Eldar and Squats respectively. We bumbled along merrily in Fourth Edition's last dying days. There was even late-night Poker after. Genuine card games trump indie-wargaming.

Here we can see the two of us, putting on our serious competitive faces.

Here's Flame On's own Bennitio celebrating nothing in particular with a giant chocolate cake.

Here's Mike Boulton rubbing shoulders with the famous Liam Neeson.

And finally, here's Gary Marsh defeating my Squats despite them all standing around in heroic poses on my home objective.

- Chris