25 August 2007


I've finally brought myself round to posting another section on this fabled blog. Has anyone been upset at the total lack of anything new on this blog? If there are any regular viewers (or were but gave up reading since nothing new has been posted in around 3 months) give us a shout, send a message or just start reading it again.

So then, I bet that you're all dying to find out what is new, what amazing and eventful events have happened since our last meeting in May. Well, not a lot. 3 of us now have regular and somewhat demanding jobs and 2 have since left home for newer and more exciting things. That is probably why no one has bothered to post an update. It's not that we can't be bothered, oh wait, yes it is.

Well now that I'm bothered about not being bothered to bother about bothering to post a new post, I guess I should bother to bother you about what has been happening at club. Since the last post, several clubmates went to the WPS Club Challenge and despite ranking a not too bad 4th out of 12 on the Saturday night, we subsequently found ourselves much lower down the rankings (however we did not finish last). Team captain Curis Webbl conducted the organisation of the team with the kind of cool logic that only a cucumber can display and managed to succeed with 7 out 9 joker points.

Chris has since enjoyed the delights of Poland during his attempt at being the best Squat player in Europe and we are delighted to announce that Chris has now been annointed the title 'Mr Squat - Europe' for his efforts and are as a result awaiting an invitation to an audience with the Queen with much anticipation.

Not only this but the guys have found the time to take part in the Warmachine summer campaign and this has seen many a steam powered combat take place. Ben has since emerged victorious having played and won the most games. A blue Warmachine badge is on its way in the post to him.

Disappointingly, the imminent arrival of Apocalypse has failed to grasp the imagination of many of our resident 40K players, however Chris and I are undeterred and are beginning to plan the expansion of our existing armies in order to play apocalyptic sized battles. A little canvassing from myself has seen some show of interest in taking part from others and hopefully we should have some large games organised. Chris and I are concocting some interesting ideas to tempt others to join in, stay tuned to find out more.

Admittedly, my Eldar force is coming together rather slowly but I do have an excuse. I've been painting the cityfight scenery for the club. All ten pieces are now complete and a completed 4'x4' board was host to a battle between my Eldar and Will's Space Marines. A glorious victory was mine to be had and many a picture was taken of the completed board. Unfortunately the pictures are on my phone and being a bit of a technophobe means that I have no idea of how to upload them to this post. All that remains for the cityfight board is for the last section of board to be painted and some barricades to be built, or is it?.......

FoW has taken a bit of a backseat since the Warmachine campaign took off and due to a technicality the D-Day board failed to materialise before the 6th of June. While the board itself had been painted a very nice beach colour, the resin that had been bought to create the sea had managed to escape from the confines of the scratch built dam designed to hold it place while it dried and consequently dribbled an icky sticky liquid all over Chris' garage floor. This liquid never dried and gave off a somewhat toxic stench. The garage has now since been demolished.

The board however has been salvaged and an attempt was made to make good the damage the resin wrought. D-Day has been postponed for a year so this project is to take a backstep in terms of priority. Never fear though, I have a feeling that it will make a triumphal entry when it is completed and FoW would appear to be picking up interest now that the Warmachine campaign has ended.

Well, that's it for now. The X Factor has finished so I dare to return downstairs. Who knows when the next post will be, but I have feeling it won't be too long. Stay tuned and thanks for watching.