Relocation Relocation Relocation
As if the title of this post didn't quite get the message, the Gaming Crypt (and consequently the club) has now relocated.
Where to? I hear you cry. Is it Piccadilly Gardens, London's Oxford Street, New York's Times Square or Dubai's Giant Palm Leaf Island of Pointlessness? No. It's still gorgeous Altrincham.
What's new? Not a lot really, apart from the fact that it's bigger, it's brighter (on account of actual natural light!) and DRIER!!! Gone is the fish smell, to be replaced by the kind of scents that wargamers (and card players for that matter) across the world can naturally relate to (actually they were there in the last place, just that the fish smell was so prevailing it masked even bad body odour). Gone are the spiders, slugs and woodlice to be replaced by probably just smaller and less intimidating spiders. Gone is the scenery and soul destroying damp - this presents an opportunity to build scenery out of cardboard and expect it to last more than a week.
What else? Well the store is a lot bigger. A LOT bigger. The floor area is probably more than twice what the previous floor area. Which means an expanded stock range plus other things that could be introduced. This is a good thing although I'm not too sure what the owner will stock on the miniatures side of things. Maybe just an expanded range of GW and PP. The FoW range is quite extensive.
The gaming area is now upstairs so we can all produce a bit of vitamin D during the summer months thanks to the natural light that can shine through the window. It's amazing what natural light does for a wargame - I always thought that games at WHW were a bit fuzzy and yellow on account of the artificial lighting. I think it contributes to giving me a headache whenever I play there. I think that there is enough space upstairs to squeeze in 8 tables, although this will have to be trialled. It does open up many opportunities to host tournaments - something that the club has been threatening to do for a long time.
Anyway, I hope to get a few pictures this Wednesday and post them on here so everyone who still reads this blog can have a look for themselves. It really is a lot better than what we used to have...

Oh and I noticed on The Warhammer Forum that Chris has posted the new address of the WPS website. He asked forum regulars if they could name the wargaming celebrities on the bar effort across the top (which kindly points out everytime I am there that I am some sort of neanderthal chum?!?!). Someone foolishly guessed Conrad Gonsalves. I know that one is Italian Rob (who really should have a shave) and the other Hey! Steve. Points for me. No points for anyone else.