March Divided, Fight United
Games continue down at the club at a steady frequency, with 4 games played last Wednesday. Space Crusade made its first appearance and many club members revelled in the nostalgia such an appearance heralded. While this game isn't featuring at the Club Challenge in May, it is nice to play a game that has no meaning and can be enjoyed at a pace and level that is comfortable to everyone involved.
Matt played Jason at 40K in a hard fought game. It was Matt's first game against the new Orks and the game saw both players make mistakes. In the end though the Eldar triumphed after a hard fought brawl in the centre of the battlefield between two large units of shoota boyz and guardians.
The other game was a game of WFB between John and the new Games Workshop manager. Both brought the Undead to do battle with and both decided to ue the new Vampire Counts army book. The game looked to be quite a brawl with neither side breaking through the other (thanks to a large number of successful raise dead spells).
On the club front, the inaugural Altrincham Ass-Whoop has been given the green light. Keep the Saturday 5th of April free so that you can join in. The tournament will be a 3 game, 1500pt 40K tournament and there are 12 places up for grabs. We hope to see as many faces as possible so keep posted for more details of the Ass-Whoop.