26 December 2007

Happy Christmas!

Ok so I'm a day late in making that proclamation but I haven't had any time until now to make it. To be honest I've been very busy trying to work out what happened in the Doctor Who Christmas Special to have been doing much else. I found it very difficult to get into what with various family members interrupting and requests from people to do things meant that as far as I understood the story went like this:

Doctor onboard some space age Titanic.
Kylie Minogue.
Doctor visits London.
Asteroids hit ship.
Kylie Minogue.
Weird Robot Angels that if they were wearing power armour instead of robes would look like the old Blood Angels Captain try to kill everyone.
Doctor runs around.
Fat person falls down lift shaft.
Kylie Minogue.
Doctor finds bad guy.
Doctor talks to bad guy.
Kylie Minogue.
Bad guy gets killed by Kylie.
Doctor shouts NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doctor stops ship hitting Buckingham Palace.
Doctor saves day.
Dead Kylie (in Star Wars dead person mode) talks to Doctor.
Other people talk.
The End.

All in all it was a strange fusion of popular films such as Titanic, The Poseidon Adventure and maybe even Speed. I'm sure this episode would have been good had I had the chance to watch it properly but by the end I didn't really care whether on not the Titanic hit Buckingham Palace.

Anyhow, this is not some aspiring amatuer film critic blog but the highly Dice Not Included blog - the blog that tells the World what is going on and who is doing it.

Last Wednesday was to be the last meeting before Christmas so a small amount of Christmas fun was organised by Matt. The inaugural Dice Not Included:Christmas Fun Quiz was held. There were 50 questions to be answered and cunningly all of the answers were on the posters that are not decorating the walls of the club. Each person was given 5 minutes to answer as many of the questions as possible. In the event of a tie, everyone was asked to answer the tie breaker question.

In the end, Will Booker won the quiz with 14 questions correctly answered. Ben and John came joint second with 10 questions answered correctly. Tom managed to win the tie breaker (although it was of no consequence but it was worth mentioning). The tie breaker question - for thsoe of you desperate to know was; How many square inches of poster are now covering the walls? The answer was 21112. That's around 15% of downstairs completed. Keep those boxes coming people!

So Will won himself the Empire Generals box set - congratulations to Will.

That night a total of 4 games were played which is good. A warm welcome is to be extended to the 3 lads that have started to join us. Your names escape me once again however you are most welcome to play. I understand that they are travelling from Northwich and are here because they are home from university - let's make sure that they keep on coming back.

An important point to note that because today is Boxing Day, the kind folk at the Gaming Crypt have decided to open tomorrow night (Thursday) as the gaming night. So DNI meet tomorrow and what with it being a holiday i would expect most of us to be there at some point during the day and looking to try out all of the new toys we got for Christmas. Come on down and give us a try.

And while we're here, it's time for Magic Superhero of the Week!

13 December 2007

Magic Superhero of the Week!

It's that time again folks, yes indeed. Number 2 in our ongoing series of customised Magic celebrities. This week, with Christmas fast approaching, we proudly present...

10 December 2007

Apocalypse Wow

Last Saturday saw the first Apocalypse battle held at the club. The action began at 1pm due to a misunderstanding but in no time at all, over 16,000 points of models had been deployed on the club's lovely boards.

The scenario had been set, with it being late in the Gothic War and the war going against Abaddon, the forces of Chaos decided for one final push. If Chaos could drive the Imperials from the city then the planet would fall to Chaos and Abaddon's crusade could push on. Should the Imperials contain the Chaos forces then it would buy the Imperial fleet time to land fresh reinforcements.

With plenty of cans of beer to hand, the advance was sounded. Tanks were destroyed, infantry slaughtered and even mighty daemon princes were felled.

The Imperial Baneblade was dominating the battlefield until Abaddon (with permission from Ben first, of course) deployed his (not so) secret weapon (well, it has stood in the shop window for the best part of two years).

In a desparate attempt to stop the Warhound, Warmaster Gorun, Commander of the Squat Legions, Hero of the Imperium, Scourge of anything smaller than Him, disembarked from his Mole transport and stepped up to do his duty for the Emperor....

..... and promptly disappeared into the Vortex created by his own grenade! To which end, hordes of Daemons poured out of the Vortex.

The vortex subsequently went on a bit of a killing spree sucking whole buildings into another dimension. It even decided to disappear of the edge of one side of the board and reappear from the opposite edge, Pac-Man style.

More carnage was to be had and much fun was had by all. By the end of it, the Imperials had succeeded on holding onto the city (despite taking an absolute beating) and the club members gave a big thumbs up to Apocalypse. Jervis, have a pint on us. Everyone else, enjoy these pictures.

03 December 2007

Deck the Walls With Yet More Posters (Tra la la la la la la la la)

Christmas is upon us once more and this year at the club it has been decided that the festive season should be celebrated with a bit more style. The Apocalypse has been scheduled for this Saturday (8th) at 12:00pm, so you since you aren't going to make it to Christmas anyway you may as well bring either Imperials or Chaos and join in. There is a planned post-Apocalypse pint in the pub afterwards in you fancy joining in.

A little competition is being created with a small prize up for grabs so to participate come on down for the clubnight on the 19th of December. Details of how to win this small prize will be given out on the night so be there, or be square.

Yet more posters are going onto the walls. By my reckoning, around a quarter of the back room is now covered, which is good progress, however we need as many boxes as possible so keep on bringing them down.

There are plans for yet another board - details of which are being kept under wraps for the time being. It is planned to do a scenery blitz on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th so if you fancy helping out give us a shout. As ever if you fancy coming down the club meets every Wednesday evening 4pm onwards.