Apocalypse Please
Haha! Another reference to Apocalypse that is also a pop culture reference. Matt's not the only one versed in film, music and all things cool. Damned trendy we two. Though I edge ahead in the cool race as I wear a tie while gaming.
The afore-mentioned Cityfight box has been split in two, with Matt taking all the Ecclesiastical buildings and me taking all the Adeptus Mechanicesque bits. I've been beavering away this weekend building a building I hope will dominate the skyline of our Imperial city, and provide enough cover to hide a Warhound Titan behind. Here's a sneaky peek.

The club members have a suitably large collection of armies to create some suitably themed and characterful large battles. There have been a few test games played to get a hang of the assets rules, but I don't think the superheavies have yet been sighted on the war-torn battlefields in in the Crypt's sprawling subterranean dungeon network. Big day-long 6-way narrative orgies will be a great to spend an entire Saturday, broken up with a hearty pub lunch and followed by after-battle drinks. On of the many perks of the Crypt is the always-stocked soft drink and chocolate fridge. It's an ideal venue for Apocalypse silliness.
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