22 March 2007

The Desert Board is Born

And here's a game of Confrontation being fought over its lovely textured light brown surface. It deserves some beautiful model railway palm trees and not the cartoony 40k jungle trees we have in abundance.

And here's my first Flames of War game being fought over a fully-terrained board, with armies that were partially painted.

I lost. But I learnt. Mainly not to use a camera phone to take photos of models.

17 March 2007

New board colour

We've changed the top coat colour on our boards to a much brighter green. At the moment we're unsure of whether we like it or not. Let us know what you think in comparison to the old colour. Featuring Matt's germans.

Objective Marker for FOW

15 March 2007

The Germans Are Coming

Looks like Craig gets the wooden spoon...

Just a sneak peek at my very close to completion Grenadier Kompanie. Just the Stugs to complete and they won't take much. Would like to get a couple of Tigers some time in the future.

On the terrain side of things, I've measured out about 10' of train track plus a station and a bridge but am a little sceptical as to how the bridge will turn out. Will give it a go and let the public decide.


Buttloads of sand. Proper coral sand, made from coral. Exactly the same type GW sell for £5 a teeny tiny tub. Five kilos. Plus a further two and a half kilos of grit. That's seven and a half kilos of basing material for our boards. How much for all this?


11 March 2007

First of the Yanks

In keeping with the release of the D-Day book from Battlefront we're all making sure we've got forces that can be used around that time. Putting my beloved Russians to one side I decided to put together a US Armoured Rifle Company. They may not be ruskies, but they make up for it with lots of machine guns! Here's the first compleatly finished model.

Flames of War

Some close up shots of Le Haye Saint and one of our road signs.

Flames of War

Here's the first of out Flames of War boards. It's not quite finished yet, but it's good enough to be photographed. The farm (Le Haye Saint) needs a bit more work doing on the detail, namely where the brickwork shows through the rendering and on any sections of wood. The line of telegraph poles is also unfinished, needing their bases and tops painting. Finally we want to give the actual board another coat to make it a lighter green. Even so, it's looking good so far!

10 March 2007

04 March 2007

Talk to the hand

As the face is covered in spots.

no more baths

Lots less rubble. Hopefully less of a smell as well as we got a buttload of stinky mould timber out from the bath and carted it off.

02 March 2007
